Day15 Linked List


Today we’re working with Linked Lists. Check out the Tutorial tab for learning materials and an instructional video!

A Node class is provided for you in the editor. A Node object has an integer data field, data, and a Node instance pointer, next, pointing to another node (i.e.: the next node in a list).

A Node insert function is also declared in your editor. It has two parameters: a pointer, head, pointing to the first node of a linked list, and an integer data value that must be added to the end of the list as a new Node object.

Day14 Scope


Today we’re discussing scope. Check out the Tutorial tab for learning materials and an instructional video!

The absolute difference between two integers, a and b, is written as |a - b|. The maximum absolute difference between two integers in a set of positive integers, elements, is the largest absolute difference between any two integers in elements.

The Difference class is started for you in the editor. It has a private integer array (elements) for storing N non-negative integers, and a public integer (maximumDifference) for storing the maximum absolute difference.

Day13 Abstract Classes


Today, we’re taking what we learned yesterday about Inheritance and extending it to Abstract Classes. Because this is a very specific Object-Oriented concept, submissions are limited to the few languages that use this construct. Check out the Tutorial tab for learning materials and an instructional video!

Day12 Inheritance


Today, we’re delving into Inheritance. Check out the attached tutorial for learning materials and an instructional video!

Day11 2D Arrays


Today, we’re building on our knowledge of Arrays by adding another dimension. Check out the Tutorial tab for learning materials and an instructional video!

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